Friday, December 5, 2008

We'll party like there is no tomorrow and tell Uptight that he did well on his white elephant gift!

As the adopted daughter and representative of the Uptight household while Uptight is overseas, Chivas proudly presented Uptight's white elephant gifts at the Holiday Party yesterday. RedRock did the honor of officially playing the game on behalf of Uptight.

Here's the "good" gift (well, of course you can tell Chivas picked this):

AND here is the "bad" gift... well, it's a "redemption coupon" for the bad gift since Chivas could not unlock Uptight's lateral cabinet where he kept the gift.

Since the picture above is quite small, I have included the text on the Redemption Coupon here for Uptight to enjoy.


Present this coupon to redeem the framed replica of The Captain is MAGNIFICENT signed by Awesome.* You may redeem in one of two ways:

1) Present coupon to Uptight upon his return in May 2009
2) Present coupon to Chivas if she successfully breaks into Uptight's lateral file cabinet before he returns

You must present coupon to redeem. Do not discard.

*The Captain is MAGNIFICENT by international renowned artist Awesome is an original art piece from the Uptight Fine Arts Collection. Not only does Awesome demonstrate her master art skills in this piece, the overwhelming display of emotions expressed in the simple yet delicate purple phrases truly makes Awesome one of the most coveted artists since Michelangelo. This replica would not have been possible without the generous offer of Uptight.

♦ No cash value ♦ Expires December 31, 2009 ♦

Uptight - you did well! Chivas and Red Rock were proud to represent you.

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